Georg-August-University of Goettingen (UGOE), founded in 1737, is among the largest, most innovative and renowned ones of the leading German universities. Its 13 faculties offer more than 130 programs of study, and currently there are approximately 24,000 students and approximately 13,400 employees (researchers and staff) in the university, including 6,800 employees of our huge university medical center. Over the years more than 40 Nobel Prize winners have researched and lived in Goettingen. To both academic and telecommunications industry fields the name of one of the most famous professors of Goettingen, Gauss, is well known. The Institute for Computer Science at University of Goettingen is responsible for research and teaching in computer science, providing the university with bachelor, master and PhD programs in the field of Applied Computer Science. In Goettingen professors from various disciplines work together on a common theme of research: communication systems and computer science. Emphasis is placed on different areas of research in this field, such as software techniques for communication systems, database, and multimedia applications. Research in the Computer Networks Group is concerned with the development of new and innovative network architectures, protocols and applications. At present research focuses on further advancing mobility, security and signalling protocols as well as multimedia and peer-to-peer networking, DVB and beyond 3G technology, in particular related to the Internet. About 9 full time PhD/Postdoc researchers and 6 master students are conducting reesearches on the further design and development of emerging networked systems and applications under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoming Fu. The Institute for Computer Science and its Computer Networks Group have extensive collaborations and contacts with industry and academia such as NOKIA, Ericsson, Motorola, German Telecom, Lucent, Siemens, NEC, Alcaltel, Nortel, NTT DoCoMo, Panasonic, Samsung, France Telecom, Telefonica, BT, Sycor, OPNET, Telelogic, ETSI, USC/ISI, Univ. of California, Univ. of Columbia, Univ. of Karlsruhe, GET/INT, ENST, Univ. of Twente, Monash Univ., Tsinghua Univ. and so on. The Institute for Informatics has involved in many EU projects both currently and before, like ENABLE, DAIDALOS II, VIDIOS, TAROT, etc. Partner 2 will lead the WP1 (Requirements, Scenarios and Architecture) play the central role in the seamless handover research (A3.2) in our project. Related projects: We are currenlty involved in several EU projects that are related to MING-T: - ENABLE: EU IST FP6 Specific Target Research Project (2006-2007), aiming to research, develop, test, integrate and evaluate mechanisms and technologies for the deployment of efficient and operational mobility as a service in large scale IPv6 network environment, including bootstrapping, middelbox traversal, reliability and other specific "premium" services, as well as identification and assessment of mobility solutions that could represent viable alternatives to mobile IPv6 in the long term, and devise a transition path for the smooth deployment of such a technology starting from the Mobile IPv6 environment. URL: http://www.ist-enable.org (with a focus on improving host mobility solutions using and extending IETF protocols.) - Daidalos II: EU IST FP6 Integrated Project (2006-2008), aiming to design, develop and validate a blueprint of a true B3G Framework, which supports secure, personalized and pervasive services built on heterogeneous network and service infrastructures for the mobile user and will contribute to standards and industry fora. URL: http://www.ist-daidalos.org/ (terminal mobility and related issues are among key problems that Daidalos II intends to address.) - IPT: ETSI/EC-EFTA Project (2003-2006) "IPv6 Interoperability Testing": The project develops the framework and specifications for conformance and interoperability testing of IPv6 protocols, including general Internet protocol testing methodoloy, and test specifications for IPv6 core, security, mobility and v4/6 transition protocols. URL: http://www.ipt.etsi.org/ - VIDIOS: EC Eureka's Celtic project (2005-2006) "Video Distribution over MPLS Networks in supporting heterogeneous format environments" develops, integrates and tests all parts of the "media chain" over broadband Internet access networks and IP/MPLS backbones. URL: http://projects.celtic-initiative.org/vidios/ (one of key objectives that this project develops is the video caching, IPv6 based bandwidth and video on demand for multimedia applications).