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Events Calendar
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At the moment, our preliminary meeting schedule looks like the following. Please don't hesitate to update this page with other entries for relevant conferences, workshops, EC meetings, etc.


2009.03.23Tentative date for the final MING-T experts workshop, which will bring together experts from academia and industry, as well as EC and Chinese officials on occasion of the final project demonstrations. Agenda and venue information will be posted soon.

2009.02.xx (or early March 2009). Final experiments with the project software and testbed, and demonstrations of the main project scenarios on Tsinghua campus in Beijing.

2008.08.18 The 6th general project meeting, with preparations for the final testbed, to be held in Beijing.

2008.04.29-30 The 5th general project meeting in Rennes, France.

2008.02.13-15 The 4th general project meeting including the 1st year project review meeting in Brussels.

2007.11.13-14 The 9th Networked Media Concertation Meeting in Brussels

2007.11.05-07 The 3rd general project meeting organized by Create-Net in Trento/Italy.

2007.08.22-24 Chinacom 2007 conference in Shanghai. We organize a special session related to interoperability between European and Chinese standards.

2007.07.02-03 The 2nd general project meeting at the University of Goettingen.

2007.03.28    CCBN-2007 exhibition in Beijing, where several MING-T partners will participate. Click the link in the menu for a short report provided by Enensys Technologies.

2007.02.05-06 Project "Kick-off" meeting at Tsinghua University, Beijing.

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