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2007 Chinacom Overview


Digital Broadcasting and Mobile Convergence

Special Session at ChinaCom 2007


The main purpose of this Special Session for ChinaCom2007 is targeting exchanges of ideas, achievements, opinions and information among the IST projects funded by European commission as well as international professionals and experts in the areas of digital broadcasting. The major concepts and technologies and some important results achieved recently will be presented in this special session.


Organized and Supported by: IST MING-T project and ChinaCom2007 Organizing Committee

Program Committee: To be invited from related projects.


ChinaCom (International Conference on Communications and Networking in China) is being positioned as the premier international annual conference for the presentation of original and fundamental advances in the field of Communications, Networks, and Internet Applications. The aim of ChinaCom is to bring together Chinese and International players in networking and communications under one roof, building a showcase in communications and networking research in China.

ChinaCom2007, which will be held in Shanghai, China from 22-24, Aug. 2007, is sponsored by Create-Net, ICST and technically sponsored by IEEE, IEEE CAS, IEEE MTT-S, IEEE CVTC, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) and Zhejiang University. ChinaCom2007 has invited 230 Technical Program Committee members from all over the world and received totally 670 paper submissions. Please find more details at


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