Home Events 2007.11 9th NMCM
The 9th Networked Media Concertation Meeting, a forum for EC funded research projects related to networks and media delivery, took place from 13-14 November 2007 in Brussels, and provided an interesting opportunity to exchange ideas and research results.
Project MING-T participated as a member of the Networked Media Delivery Cluster, and presented the current status of the project research. Of course, our partner FP6 projects MODIBEC and Mobiserve were also present at the meeting. The interesting discussions following the presentations proved that all meeting attendees agreed on the importance of interoperability, while several opinions were given about the future role and success of DVB-H broadcasting and the upcoming but competing standards in China. In particular, the planned upgrade of the UMTS network regarding the MBMS multicast-options and the LTE high-bandwidth radio interface might provide a stiff competition to broadcast-only systems.
Information about the meeting including all presentations will be made available within the EC CIRCA system and database, but is restricted to authorized members.
Please visit the ICT cordis website for further information and the netmedia group whitepapers on the networked media of the future and user centric media. |